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Business Solutions

What the Ice Bucket Challenge Teaches About Marketing

Fundraising & Nonprofits, Business Solutions, Stickers

Unless you live under a rock, you’ve seen more than a few ice bucket challenge videos. However, just in case you somehow missed it, at the beginning of the summer the ALS association started the challenge on various social media websites to garner donations for the fight against amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or more commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease — a degenerative disease that affects motor neuron cells in the brain and spinal cord. The challenge asked participants to either donate to the ALS association to fund research into treatments and cures for the disease — or else dump a bucket of ice water over themselves for all the world to see. While more people chose to drench themselves with ice water than to donate to the organization, the program was still a definite win for ALS. The association certainly received more donations than they otherwise would have, but what is significantly more important is that the challenge informed virtually everyone on social media about the disease and programs to stop its progress. This was one of the most successful marketing campaigns for a non-profit in recent memory.

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Why Car Advertising Works So Well With B2B Companies

Marketing Solutions, Business Solutions, Sticker Ideas

Cars have been used as advertisement space almost since the first cars hit the road. Cars are everywhere — a significant part of modern life — so it makes sense that companies would use cars to deliver their marketing messages. Custom car stickers are an inexpensive and highly effective way of attracting business — they can be subtle and powerful or eye-catching and memorable, depending entirely on the company’s marketing strategy. Just like a funny bumper sticker, car advertising sticks in the brains of fellow drivers, haunting their thoughts until they investigate a business further

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Decorating Your Company Vehicle for Next to Nothing!

Marketing Solutions, Business Solutions, Sticker Ideas
Decorate company vehicle picture

Whether you run a small online business out of your home or you employ several dozen people in a professional trade, a company vehicle is a good investment. Not only can the vehicle transport you to customers, but even if you don’t deal with customers directly, your vehicle will advertise your business whenever you go on errands or attend conventions. Small companies can’t typically afford a fancy custom paint job, though, and even larger ones are hesitant to spare unnecessary expense. Luckily, there are ways to customize a vehicle for your business without spending all your first quarter revenue.

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3 Reasons to Customize Car Stickers for Your Charity

Fundraising & Nonprofits, Business Solutions, Stickers

If you’ve been put in charge of promotion for a charitable organization or event, consider using car stickers for your charity. People are so used to online, TV, newspaper and radio ads that they subconsciously tune them out. You need something that engages the local community and gets in front of people’s eyes no matter where they go without being intrusive. Car stickers are both a great way for volunteers and organization employees to show off their charity pride and to spread word.

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